Lessons of the Inca Shamans: Piercing the Veil. Forthcoming. Pine Winds Press. Purchase at:
• Commentary on “Deep Blues: Human Soundscapes for the Archetypal Journe”, by Mark Winborn. Forthcoming. Jung Journal.
• “A Dialogue with Jose Luis Herrera on Peruvian Shamanism,” Journal of Shamanic Practice, (Fall Issue, 2012)
• “The Veil between Ordinary and Non-Ordinary Reality: Working with the Objective Psyche in Shamanism and Depth Psychology", issue 56-3, 2013.Psychological Perspectives.
• Chao, C.M. & Harter, S. The role of competence in children’s creation of imaginary friends. (1992). Merrill-Palmer Quarterly, 38(3).
• Chao, C.M. The inner heart: Therapy with Southeast Asian families. In L.A. Vargas & J. Koss-Chioino (Eds.), Working with Culture: Psychotherapeutic Interventions with Ethnic Minority Children. (1992). San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
• Chao, C.M. Confessions of a supervisee/supervisor, or an apologia for doing something different. (1994). The Child, Youth and Family Services Quarterly, 1, 13-15.
• Chao, C.M. A bridge over troubled waters: Being Eurasian in the U.S. of A. In J. Adelman & G. Enguidanos (Eds.), The Significance of Racism in the Psychology of Women: Building Consciously Anti-Racist Models of Feminist Therapy. (1994). Binghampton, N.Y.: Haworth Press.
• Chao, C.M. On Ancestors and Ancestor Altars. Asian Week, February 10. 1995.
• Chao, C.M. On Ancestors and Ancestor Altars II. Focus: Notes From the Society for the Psychological Study of Ethnic Minority Issues, July, 1995.
• Jones, A.C.and Chao, C.M. Racial, ethnic and cultural issues in couples therapy. In W.K. Halford and H.J. Markman, (Editors). Clinical Handbook Of Marriage and Couples Intervention. (1997). New York: John Wiley and Sons.
• Chao, C.M. Ancestor and ancestor altars: connecting relationships. In J.L. Chin (Editor) Relationships Among Asian American Women. (2000) Washington, D.C.: American Psychological Assoc.
• Chao, C.M. The central role of culture: Working with Asian children and families. In F.W. Kaslow (Editor) Comprehensive Handbook Of Psychotherapy. Volume 3: Interpersonal/Humanistic/Existential. (2002). New York: John Wiley and Sons.
• “The Archetypal drama in Puccini’s Madam Butterfly”, Psychological Perspectives, 2009
• “Tracing a Red Thread: Synchronicity and Jung’s Red Book”, Psychological Perspectives, 2009

Chapters in books:
• “Angels and Idols: Los Angeles, A City of Contrasts” in Tom Singer’s (ed.) book, Psyche and the City: A Soul’s Guide to the Modern Metropolis, published by Spring Publications, 2010
• “Narcissism in the Home” and “Narcissism in our Collective Home: American Culture” in A clear and Present Danger: Narcissism in the Era of Donald Trump, published by Chiron Books, 2016
• “Companions on the Way: Consciousness in Conflict” in Turbulent Times, Creative Minds: Erich Neumann and C.G. Jung in Relationship (1933-1960). Published by Chiron Publication, 2016
• Edited book with Dr. Erel Shalit, The Dream and its Amplification, published by Fisher King Press, 2010
• Jack London: A man in search of meaning. Jungian perspectives. Author House, 2012
• Gabel, S. (1985). Sleep research and clinically reported dreams. Can they be integrated? Dora, revisited. Journal of Analytical Psychology, 30, 185-205.
• Gabel, S. (1987). Information processing in REM sleep: Possible neurophysiological, neuropsychological and clinical correlates. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 175, 193-200.
• Gabel, S. (1988). A review of research supporting a dualistic view of mental operations. Bulletin of the Menninger Clinic, 52, 410-422.
• Gabel, S. (1988). Dissociative phenomena and monitoring of self: Experimental, clinical and theoretical considerations. Integrative Psychiatry, 6, 53-60.
• Gabel, S. (1988). The right hemisphere in imagery, hypnosis, REM sleep and dreaming. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 176, 323-331.
• Gabel, S. (1989). Dreams as a possible manifestation of a dissociated system of self monitoring within the individual. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 177, 560-568.
• Gabel, S. (1990). Dreams and dissociation theory: Speculations on beneficial aspects of their linkage. Dissociation, 3, 38-47.
• Gabel, S. (1991). Monitoring the state of the self in dreams. Historical perspectives and theoretical implications. Psychoanalysis and Contemporary Thought, 14, 425-451.
• Gabel, S. (1993). The phenomenology of the self and its objects in waking and dreaming: Implications for a model of dreaming. Journal of American Academy of Psychoanalysis, 21, 339-362.
• Krippner, S., Gabel, S., Green, J., & Rubien, R. (1994). Community applications of an experiential group approach to teaching dreamwork. Dreaming, 4, 215-222.
• Gabel, S (in preparation). Jack London: A Man in Search of Meaning. A Jungian Perspective.
• Reptilian Redemption, Psychological Perspectives, 66:2. 2023.
Cosmic Human Cosmic Intent (2020)
Spiritual Perspectives on Death and Dying (2015)
Emergence of the Cosmic Psyche: UFOs and ETs from the Perspective of Depth Psychology (2013).
• Reflections on The Cider House Rules in Quadrant, Winter 2001.
• Money and the Spiritual Warrior. Five Centuries Foundation, 2004.
• The Phantom of the Opera in Quadrant, Summer 2005.
• When the Impossible Happens (Book review) in Bridges, Spring 2007: Journal of The International Society for the Study of Energy and Energy Medicine.
• The Fountain in Psychological Perspectives, Spring 2008.
• The Emergence of the Cosmic Psyche: Extraterrestrials and Subtle Energy, Bridges, Autumn 2000, Journal of the International Society for the Study of Energy and Energy Medicine.
• Reflections on Religion and Exopolitics, in Exopolitics Journal, Vol 3:2, 2009.
• Sophia and Sustainability in “Love of the Fifth Spiritual Paradigm”, The Oracle Institute Press, 2010.
• “Redeeming Mary Magdalene: Feminine side of the Death and Resurrection Archetype” in Wisdom Has Built her House: Psychological Aspects of the Feminine. (2019) Edited by Andreas Schweizer and Regine Schweizer-Vüllers. Based on a lecture at the Psychology Club of Zürich ( Purchase at:
• Book: (Coming in 2023) "The Wizard, the Egg and Fitcher’s Bird: Returning Spiritual Life to Nature in the Individuation of Women" • Book: “War of the Ancient Dragon: Transformation of Violence in Sandplay” 2016, Fisher King Press. Purchase at:
• “Mary Magdalene: Lover of the Dying and Resurrecting God-Man,” Psychological Perspectives, Winter, 2013. Download at:
• “War of the Ancient Dragon: Alchemical Images in Sandplay,” Psychological Perspectives Fall, 2012. Download at:
• Two poems, Psychological Perspectives, Vol. 47, Issue 1, 2004.
• “Der Urkrieg des Drachen Feuer, Zerstörung und Erneuerung im Sandspiel,” Jungiana, Journal of the C.G. Jung Foundation, Küsnacht, Switzerland Reihe A, Band 16, 2010.
Waiting and Watching in the Wanderings of Life,2020
Psychological Perspectives, 63:3-4, 345-359, DOI: 10.1080/00332925.2020.1816081
• Facing Climate Change: An Integrated Path to the Future, Columbia University Press, 2016.
• The Evolution of Archetypal Forms in Western Civilization, Psychological Perspectives, 59:2, 202-218.
• A Jungian Perspective on Global Warming, Ecopsychology, vol. 4, 3, 187-192, 2012.
• Puddi Kullberg (2019) The Bad Mother, Psychological Perspectives, 62:1, 4-14, DOI: 10.1080/00332925.2019.1564512
• Puddi Kullberg (2015) The Turquoise and Diamond Ring, Jung Journal, 9:1, 63-68, DOI: 10.1080/19342039.2015.988068 (Book review Arlene Landau’s Tragic Beauty)
The Wounded Woman 1982
On the Way to the Wedding 1986
Witness to the Fire 1989
Meeting the Madwoman 1993
Following the Reindeer Woman 1995
The Call to Create 2000
• Numerous articles, including: “The Tree of Life Film by Terrence Malick” (2013?), “The Double Life of Veronique film by Krystof Kieslowski” (Spring Journal Film Issue), “America’s Icarus Complex,” interview in America on the Couch (2015)
• Journal of Analytical Psychology, 2024, 69, 4, 1–3, Journal Review: TAIPALE, JOONA. (2023). “Winnicott and the (un)Integrated Self”. The International Journal of Psychoanalysis, 104(3), 467–489.
• "Resolving a Split in Feminine Development: The Pretty and the Ugly Maidens", Psychological Perspectives, Volume 62, 2019 - Issue 1: Mothers, Daughters, and Psyche (2019). Purchase
• “Jungian Feminine Psychology and Adolescent Prostitutes.” (I am 1st author, co- authored by Dr. Mitchell M. Handelsman). Adolescence, Vol.XXI No. 84, Winter 1986.
BROTHERS AND SISTERS: Discovering the Psychology of Companionship. (2007) Spring Journal Books.
• “Deirdre of the Sorrows.” (2009). Spring Journal, Vol. 79, Irish Culture & Depth Psychology.
• “Reflections on Two Irish Films,” by Lara Newton (available at:
•Perluss, E. (2015). This glorious darkness: Reflections from the John Muir Trail. Psychological Perspectives, 58:2, 135-150.
•Perluss, E. (2015). Ecotherapy. Encyclopedia of Theory in Counseling and Psychotherapy, Sage Publications, Thousand Oaks, CA.
•Perluss, E. (2014). For love of the soul of the world. Ecopsychology Journal, Vol. 6(1): 8-9.
•Perluss, E. (2012). Following the Raven: The Paradoxical Path Toward a Depth Ecopsychology. Ecopsychology Journal, Vol. 4, No. 3, 181-186.
•Perluss, E. (2010). Review of the Edge of the Sacred: Jung, Psyche, and Earth, by David Tacey. Ecopsychology Journal, Vol. 2, No. 1, 47-49.
•Perluss, E. (2008). Climbing the Alchemical Mountain: A story of Initiation. Psychological Perspectives (51-1).
•Perluss, E. (2007), Touching earth: Finding spirit: A passage into the symbolic landscape. Spring Journal, 76, Part 2, 201-222.
•Perluss, E. (2005). Desert dreaming: Tracking psyche through the landscape. Psychological Perspectives. (48-2)
•Perluss, E. (2004). Landscape Archetypes: Islands, Valleys, Mountains, and Deserts. Dissertation, Pacifica Graduate Institute, 2004.
1. Radomsky, L. (2006). Global Health Crisis: Can indigenous healing practices offer a valuable resource? International Journal of Disability, Development and Education, 53(4), 471-478.
2. Radomsky, L. (2006). Community psychology in Africa: The Way Forward. Journal of Psychology in Africa, 16(2), 321-323.
3. Radomsky, L. (2008). White skin, black soul: Initiation and integration in African Traditional Healing, Jung Journal: Culture and Psyche, 3(3), 33-43.
4. Radomsky, L. (2009). Editorial: Challenges to counseling practices with people of African Ancestry. Journal of Psychology in Africa, 19(4), 461-462.
5. Radomsky, L, Levers, L., & Shefer, T. (2009). Voices of African Traditional Healers: Cultural context and implications for the practice of counseling in Sub-Saharan Africa. Journal of Psychology in Africa, 19(4), 497-503.
6. Radomsky, L. (2017). African Healing, Sacrifice, Number Symbolism and the Psychology of C.G. Jung. Psychological Perspectives, 60(1), 53-67.
7. Radomsky, L. (2018). African Healing, Sacrifice, Number Symbolism and the Psychology of C.G. Jung, Jungiana, German translation.
8. Radomsky, L. (2022). Redeeming the Feminine: Symbols from the Jewish Kabbalah. Guild of Pastoral Psychology, paper no. 340.

1. Radomsky, L. (2011). Lead author: Assessment for counseling intervention. In Counseling People of African Ancestry, Mpofu, E (Ed).
2. Radomsky, L. (2012), Lead author. Voices of the traditional African healer: Implications for cross cultural educational practices. In Communication and language, Vol. 7.

Radomsky, L. (2019). Where Dreams Come Alive: The Alchemy of The African Healer. Chiron Publications
• Jung and the Alchemical Imagination (2000). Nicolas-Hays.
• Healing the Wounded God (2002). Nicolas-Hays.
• The Wedding of Sophia (2003). Nicolas-Hays.
• The Practice of Ally Work (2006). Nicolas-Hays.
• “The Felt Vision” and “The Ally” in The Sacred Heritage (1997).Routledge.
• “A Spiritual Perspective on Evil in the Kabbalah” in Quadrant (2004).
• “Thoughts on the Nature of Evil” in Journal of Jungian Theory and Practice (2006).
• “Analytical Psychology” in Applying Counseling Theories (2007). Pearson Merrill Prentice Hall.
Four Eternal Women, (now translated into Czechoslovakian.)
• A Brief Introduction to Jungian Therapy. (2005). Spirit Talk Magazine.
• Stopping the World: Psychological Reflections on the Teachings of Don Juan. (2003). The San Francisco Jung Institute Library Journal, 21 (4), 13-23.
• A Man’s Journey to Recover his Soul: Psychological Reflections on the Movie “The Shipping News.” (2002). Quadrant, 32 (2), 78-89.
• Being Jungian in Today’s World, Part II. (1997). Colorado Psychological Association Bulletin, 30 (12), 11.
• Being Jungian in Today’s World. (1997). Colorado Psychological Association Bulletin, 30 (11), 14-15.
• Jung & Gender: Masculine & Feminine Revisited. (1997). The Round Table Review, 4 (4), 9-11.
• Taoism and Self-Actualization. (1996). In D. Williams (Ed.), The C.G. Jung Page.
• My Road to Jung, or How I Ended Up 10,000 Feet Under the Ground. (1996). In D. Williams (Ed.), C.G. Jung Page.
• The Usefulness of the Useless. (1991). In C. Zweig and J. Abrams (Eds.), Meeting the Shadow: The Hidden Power of the Dark Side of Human Nature. Los Angeles: Jeremy P. Tarcher.
• The Usefulness of the Useless. (1987). Psychological Perspectives, 18 (2), 363-374.
• The Usefulness of the Useless: Illness and Self-Realization. (1985). Wellspring, 4 (5), 3-4.
• Discovering Exercise Via the Body. (1982). Wellspring, 2 (1), 7-10.
• The Pursuit of Happiness. (1979). Insight, Spring, 2-3.
• A Rapid Assessment Procedure for Mother-Child Interactions. (1978). Journal of Clinical Child Psychology, 7, 132-135.
• "Dreaming the Bat Out of the Shadow", Psychological Perspectives, 59: 219-241, 2016. Purchase at:
• “When I Was Dying: A Phenomenology of the Experience of Facing Death” to appear in “Psychological Perspectives” in the first half of 2025.
• Various poems in: Psychological Perspectives, The Maryland Review, “The Wayfarer,” “Laughing Dog” “Lyn Cowan, Desire, and The Courageous Heart” (film, 2008)
• “Where We Are: Jungian Analysts in the 21st Century” (film, 2003)
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